Live Vendor

Boost your brand's sales in supermarkets: where you thought you'd lost the upper hand!

Live Vendor transforms your customers' point-of-sale experience, allowing them to connect with your experts in a flash. With a simple QR code scan, your customers have instant access to personalized advice from your in-store teams. Offer instant, human interaction wherever your customers are. Increase your sales and put people at the heart of every interaction! 

Expert advice at the heart of your corner stores

terminal with video salesperson in a DIY store

Reassure your customers and dispel their doubts

If you sell products with a high average basket, technical products for which the customer often needs to be reassured one last time by a human, expert contact, Live Vendor In-Store will boost your sales statistics and make a real difference to the competition. 

Connect your customers to your sales team live

This innovative solution enables you to connect your in-store customers with your in-store sales force, offering your customers 100% human contact, face-to-face and, above all, in real time! More than just a simple interaction, it's a real encounter that personalizes your customers' shopping experience. 

Convert every opportunity

Your customers receive immediate assistance, boosting their confidence and optimizing conversion. With Live Vendor, offer a fluid, engaging and human shopping experience that turns every visit into a sales opportunity!

A solution to boost your online and in-store sales

An indispensable ally for simplifying the customer experience

live vendor

Establish live, personalized contact with your customers

Boost your sales, because you're in control


Build customer loyalty with ease

Manage hundreds of corners with just a few remote salespeople

Offer a personalized, differentiating experience

Help your customers make the right choice and move upmarket

A tangible impact on your sales

Customer satisfaction
0 %
Increase in average basket
0 %
Conversion VS. a customer who does not request service
x 0

Make sure your in-store corners never miss a sales opportunity

For brands selling in DIY stores and supermarkets

This solution is for you: you sell your products on corners in supermarket or DIY outlets, and you dream of talking to retailer customers who are looking at your products, and for whom sometimes a few words would be enough to choose you!


Control your sales, whatever your sector 

Whether you work in sectors such as sound, hand-held power tools, photovoltaics, IT, telephony, interior or exterior design - in short, products that are a little technical and/or expensive - you've probably noticed that in-store marketing is largely dependent on the advice of point-of-sale salespeople. Now is your chance to take back control. Who better than you to advise on your range?

We put people first!
Advice from real, passionate salespeople!

The human touch makes the difference: the act of buying is guided by an irrational element of emotion and trust. It's in this context that the human connection proves far more effective than automated solutions in generating conversions and building customer loyalty. 

woman making a video with a salesman

The augmented call, a major asset for your digital strategy

Our solution is also available as a widget for websites. Quickly resolve customer concerns and improve the online shopping experience. By integrating augmentedyou maximize your conversions and strengthen customer loyalty, while differentiating your brand.